In 2007, we developed Paradise Farm, a public-private partnership a coalition of WDUSA, WIF, and MP Global Connect in partnership with MPGlobal Connect Inc., worked together to form Paradise Farms, an 80+-acre organic-certified farm located in Ganepalla, Sri Lanka, a mountainous region of the rainforest. 

A result of a shared vision for Equal Trade for Sustainability, Paradise Farms offers eco-tourism and Ayurveda health and healing. The extensive mountain ranges and valleys produce green tea and other agriculture. The farm began as an eco-tea factory, providing economic opportunities for farm workers (mostly women), a free organic daily lunch, above-average wages, and organic agriculture training and education. It has since grown into Paradise Gardens, a holistic eco-retreat where visitors from around the world explore the majestic rainforest while sipping freshly picked organic green tea.

That tea gets imported to the Kenmore, Ohio Srina storefront, where it reflects the Global Village cycle.

Looking ahead, WDUSA and WIF are working on further projects to train and educate local farmers in sustainable, eco-friendly techniques on farmlands in Sri Lanka and around the world.